League Guidelines

The league packets that the managers receive contain a few sheets of paper with additional league and general information that can now be found below. The information includes a Quick Information Guide, information about the league’s Rainout Policy, and some pointers on What Makes a Good Manager/Coach.

Quick Information Guide: Facts at Your Fingertips

  1. Alcohol Policy: City of Bellevue Ordinance 3.43.250 states that it is unlawful for any person to use or possess an alcoholic beverage in a park, including unopened alcoholic beverage containers. This ordinance also applies to School District property and King County facilities.

  2. Scheduling Field Use: Teams may not use athletic fields unless they are pre-scheduled. Practice sessions for Bellevue Park/School fields may be scheduled in person at the Parks Department Office, 11511 Main Street, or by phone at 425-452-7158, using Visa and Mastercard only, Monday through Friday, from 1:00 pm - 5:00 pm. Practice sessions for King County Park fields (Marymoor) may be scheduled by calling 206-205-3661 Monday and Tuesday, from 10:00 am - 2:00 pm, or by walking in from 10:00 am - 4:00 pm.

  3. Field Lights: Athletic field lights for all Bellevue facilities will not remain on after 11:00 pm. NO EXCEPTIONS! Start times for games scheduled at Bellevue/Marymoor fields will be 6:00 pm and 8:30 pm (Monday - Friday only) on fields #6, #7, and #8. Athletic field lights at Marymoor will go off at 11:15 pm.

  4. Emergencies: In case of emergencies (i.e., no lights, sprinklers on, etc.) on weekends and after 5:00 pm during the week, contact the Answering Service at the Bellevue Resource Management Dept. at 425-452-6855.

  5. Pre-game Warm-ups: There will be no on-field batting practice prior to games. This includes the outfield. All warm-ups (stretching and throwing) will be done in the outfield grass only. Please caution players to stay on the cindered areas wherever possible, and to refrain from hitting or throwing into the cyclone fencing.

  6. Sammamish High School: During non-school hours (evenings and weekends), the parking lot at the Sammamish High School Park Fields will be locked immediately following the conclusion of the last scheduled game.

  7. Score Reporting: All game scores must be reported to the BB/SAA score reporting lina at 425-865-0499 by the winning team within 48 hours of the completion of the game. Failure by the winning team to report game scores within the 48 hour time limit will result in losses for both teams. Please carry your “Important Telephone Numbers” listing with you at all games. Also, if you have a cell phone or one of your players does, it’s a good idea to have it at all games.

  8. Forfeits: Any team forfeiting a regularly scheduled or rescheduled game will be charged a $50.00 service charge. More than three (3) forfeits during the season will result in that team’s expulsion from BB/SAA’s next season of softball play.

  9. FielD Closure Information: During periods of inclement weather, field closures may result as determined by either the Bellevue Parks Department or King County Parks Department personnel. Closures may also result from poor playing conditions or damage which would cause hazardous safety considerations for the public and/or excessive repair work to bring the field back to playable conditions. Field closure information can be obtained from the Bellevue Parks Department by calling 425-452-4860 after 3:00 pm weekdays and after 7:00 am weekends. For field closure information from the King County Parks Department (for Marymoor Park fields) call 206-205-3892 after 3:00 pm weekdays and after 7:30 am weekends.

  10. Reschedules: All rained out games will be rescheduled by the BB/SAA only. No reschedules done through the Bellevue Parks Department will be honored. All rained out games will be reschedules according to day and dates shown in special Rainout/Reschedule Policy Guide. You will receive written notification of your rescheduled game(s).

    Only under extreme emergencies (protest, etc.) will a game(s) be rescheduled for any reason other than a rained out game. A $25.00 non-refundable service charge will be imposed. It will be necessary to contact the BB/SAA Administration Office at 425-746-4592 for approval.

  11. Umpires: If an umpire fails to report to a scheduled game, the following procedures are to be followed:

    USSSA Umpires
      • Dial 206-344-9519, wait for the beeping to stop.   • Dial the number of the phone you are calling from and hang up.   • Wait at that phone for the USSSA assigner to call you right back.

  12. Post-League Tournament Play: The top two (2) teams from each of the six divisions of the Men’s League and the top two (2) teams from each of the two divisions in the Men’s Sunday League will begin divisional playoffs at the end of fall play. Teams from the Evergreen, Cascade and Olympic divisions will play againast each other; teams from the Rainier, American and National divisions plus teams from the Sunday League will play against each other. The same format will be used for the Co-ed playoffs.

  13. Infield Maintenance: The City of Bellevue and King County Parks Departments are responsible for lining and dragging the infield of Parks Department maintained fields prior to 6:00 pm start time on weekdays, first game of the day and at four (4) game intervals on weekends (for league play). If infield maintenance is not done, please complete the league play evaluation form found in your packet and mail it to the BB/SAA within 48 hours of the copletion of the game. Also, call the Bellevue Parks Department and King County Parks Departments. See “Important Telephone Numbers” listing for telephone numbers.

  14. Don’t Forfeit: It’s not fair to the opposing team and your team members who show up to play! Call 425-746-4592 for additional players. We will make every effor to find you players.

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Special Rainout/Reschedule Policy Guide

In the event that any regularly scheduled or rescheduled game is rained out during BB/SAA’s League Program, reschedules will be handled as follows:

  1. Each team will be responsible for calling 425-865-0499 within 24 hours to report the rainout. Due to new Parks Department reporting requirements, rainouts not reported in that time period will be considered games played and will not be rescheduled. Please do not assume BB/SAA knows that your game was rained out or cancelled. We depend on team managers for that information.

  2. All rainouts and reschedules will be handled through BB/SAA. Please do not attempt to reschedule your game(s) through either the City of Bellvue or King County Parks Department, as games rescheduled by anyone other than BB/SAA will not be honored.

  3. Call 425-865-0499 if there are any changes to the manager’s name, address, and/or phone numbers in order to ensure that reschedling information is not delayed.

  4. Any team forfeiting a regularly scheduled or rescheduled game will be charged a $50.00 per game service charge. More than three (3) forfeits during the season will result in that team’s expulsion from BB/SAAƠs next season of softball play.

  5. Any manager requesting a game reschedule will be charged a $50.00 per game service charge. The manager requesting the reschedule must secure approval of cancellation from the manager of the team they were to play at least three weeks in advance of regular scheduled game. Upon agreed cancellation, the $50.00 per game fee must accompany the reschedule request (indicating the date, time, field, etc. of original game) to BB/SAA, P.O. Box 5537, Bellevue, WA 98006. Theree will be no exceptions to this procedure.

  6. Team managers will be notified by mail a minimum of seven (7) days in advance of rescheduled game(s). If league games are rained out at the end of the season or a rescheduled game is rained out, team managers may be notified of rescheduled game(s) by telephone.

  7. Managers should call the opposing team managers (see manager divisional league placement sheet included in your packet) to confirm rescheduled game(s) day, dat, time, field, etc. three days prior to reschedule. This will eliminate no shows. If a team has to forfeit, call the Reporting Scores and Rainout line as soon as possible.

  8. Again, the winning team manager of rescheduled game(s) is to call in the scores within 48 hours after the completion of the game(s). Failure to do so will result in a loss recorded for both teams.

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What Makes a Good Manager/Coach?

The following information is being provided and should be helpful to first year coaches and/or managers new to the BB/SAA’s leagues:

  1. Always show up at least 30 minutes before the start of your first game. That’s a rule all players should agree to.

  2. Have your starting line up done and in your scorebook 15 minutes before game time.

  3. Meet with the other manager/coach at home plate 10 minutes before game time.

  4. Always start your games on time. This will allow you time to complete each game.

  5. Have at least threee practices (returning teams) and five practices (new teams just forming) before your first league game.

  6. Give each player an opportunity to play! Don’t play favorites.

  7. Make sure each player has a league schedule and he/she knows the league rules. At the end of your last game of the day, remind your players of the next game(s). Tell them day, date, time and field. Also, ask them if there are any players that can not make the next game.

  8. Have enough players to always field a team. Genereal rule is to have 15 reliable players to 20 maximum players on each team. Don’t forfeit!

  9. Be organized. Read all the information in your league packet and organize you information in a notebook.

  10. Know your league rules and review them with the umpire and other manager/coach at home plate before the start of your first game. Agree on courtesy runner(s), home run fule, arch of pitch, time allowed for each game, practice pitches, etc. Our league rules take precedence over USSSA rules.

  11. Remember, the umpire is working for you.

  12. Check field conditions for safety before game time. Bases secured, gates closed, little children supervised, etc.

  13. Stay off the infield area before your first game. Before your first game, warm up using the grass outfield area. This will keep the infield area in good condition for league game(s).

  14. Be sure to bring the proper supplis to each game. you or a member of you team should have a cell phone. Quick calls (see important telephone number guide in packet) will save valuable time if you have an umpire no show (umpires are to arrive 15 minutes before game), playfield lights don’t come one, parking lot gates are locked, reporting winning score(s), etc.

  15. Have good pre-game warm-ups in outfield grass area. Stretching, throwing, warm-up drills, pepper, etc.

  16. Hustle in and out. Lots of time can be lost between innings.

  17. Know (study) the other teams’ individual players hitting and defensive strengths (throwing, catching, running, etc.). This may tell you where to hit the ball and how to position your players on defense.

  18. Don’t be bashful on defense. Talk to one another. Let each other know game situations - number of outs, doule play, cut-off, where to throw the ball, position of key defense players, what did the hitter do the last time up, etc. How many close games are lost due to mental errors (not talking to one another, throwing to the wrong base, running into each other, etc.)?

  19. Make sure your players (beginners) know the proper way of throwing the ball (on double plays), sliding, running the bases (especially to first base and home plate), etc.

  20. Position your players on defense where they feel comfortable and can perform adequately and safely. Don’t expect a person to throw strikes if they haven’t pitched before.

  21. Have the person(s) keeping your score book, keep stats. Batting averages, runs scored, hits, walks, wins and losses, etc. Help keep players enthused and interested in playing.

  22. There is no time limit on the second game played on an unlighted field during the week and where games are not scheduled one after another. This means in late May, all of June and most of July you can play the second game of a doubleheader past 8:30 pm. Safety comes first, and games must end when it starts to get dark. On lighted ball fields, no new inning can start after 8:20 pm on Bellevue Park fields and 8:35 pm on Marymoor Park fields.

  23. Don’t forget te 10-Run Rule is being used. If the home team is ahead by 10 or more runs after 4.5 or 5 innings, or, if the visitiing team is ahead by 10 or more runs after 5 complete innings, the game shall end and the team that is ahea shall be the winner.

  24. Remember, a judgement call by an umpire can not be protested.

  25. Let people know when they are doing a good job and when they are not - umpires (at the fields) infield maintenance and outfield turf (call the Parks Departments), etc.

  26. Winning team manager of each game must call the score in within 48 hours. Failure to do so will result in losses for each team.

  27. The next player to bat should always be in the on deck area.

  28. Keep all gates closed while games are being played.

  29. Never leave bats, gloves, etc in playing area. Keep all supplies and equipment in dugout.

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